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2024-2025 Development Partner Sponsorship Opportunities

  • 01 Aug 2024
  • 13 Apr 2025


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Payment must be received by 12/31
  • $2,050 Payment received prior to 12/31 and $2,300 after.
  • Payment must be received by 12/31
  • $1,550 Payment received prior to 12/31, and $1,800 after.
  • Payment must be received by 12/31
  • $1300.00 Payment received prior to 12/31 and $1,550 after.
  • $500. Not eligible for add-on.


Development Partners 2024-2025 VASFAA Sponsorship Opportunities

VASFAA membership is required for all Development Partners who choose to attend an event, exhibit or submit media materials.  VASFAA Policies & Procedures state that Development Partners are not to organize, sponsor or conduct any social activities directed toward VASFAA Conference attendees, leadership personnel or training activity participants during the course of VASFAA events.  See the VASFAA P & P (7.14.3) for additional information.

Save the date - 2025 Annual Conference - April 13th-16th, Norfolk, VA

Platinum Level:  $2,300/Paid Before 12/31- $2,050

  • Prime exhibit space at the annual conference
  • Two complimentary VASFAA Conference 2025 registrations ($650 value at no additional charge. Registrations must be completed without payment and names submitted to VASFAA Professional Development Chair by April 1, 2025)
  • May choose to present at a Lunch and Learn Session during the annual conference ($500 value at no additional charge) – Limited to 4 on a first come first serve basis
  • Attendance at Spring Leadership Summit and Preconference Luncheon- Preconference Event
  • Priority given for presenting at VASFAA Conference 2025 if proposal accepted by conference chairs.
  • One page ad in Conference Newsletter
  • Special sponsorship recognition at VASFAA Conference 2025
  • Complimentary conference attendee list delivered at least 2 weeks prior to conference
  • Opportunity to moderate a session at VASFAA Conference 2025 along with your 3–4-minute business pitch
  • Fall One Day Training and Fall Leadership Summit - May attend in person with the opportunity to moderate and share flyer with participants.  Fall Training- October 17, 2024, Liberty University, Fall Leadership Summit- November 4, 2024, Longwood University.
  • Newsletter article and/or visibility in each quarterly newsletter if you submit an article for consideration.
  • Email and online conference support recognition with logo
  • Logo included on VASFAA Sponsorship page
  • Spotlight opportunity during VASFAA webinar series for 2024-25. You will be given 3-4 minutes to highlight your products/features.
  • Priority given to present during a VASFAA webinar series for 2024-25
  • Shout out on VASFAA list serv when you sign up to be a sponsor
  • Recognition at all VASFAA Workshops and Professional Development Events

Gold Level:  $1,800/Paid Before 12/31 - $1,550

  • Booth at Annual Conference
  • One complimentary VASFAA Conference 2025 registrations ($325 value at no additional charge. Registration must be completed without payment and names submitted to VASFAA Development Partner Chair by April 1, 2025.)
  • Priority given for presentation at VASFAA Conference 2025 if proposal accepted by conference chairs
  • ½ page ad in Conference Newsletter
  • Special sponsorship recognition at VASFAA Conference 2025
  • Complimentary conference attendee list delivered at least 2 weeks prior to conference
  • Opportunity to moderate a session at the VASFAA Conference 2025 along with your 3–4-minute business pitch
  • Fall One Day Training and Fall Leadership Summit - May attend in person with the opportunity to moderate and share flyer with participants. Fall Training- October 17, 2024, Liberty University, Fall Leadership- November 4, 2024, Longwood University.
  • Email and online conference support recognition with logo
  • Logo included on VASFAA Sponsorship page
  • Spotlight opportunity during VASFAA webinar series for 2024-25. You will be given 3-4 minutes to highlight your products/features.
  • Opportunity to present during a VASFAA webinar series for 2024-25 if approved by chair.
Silver Level:  $1,550/Paid Before 12/31 - $1,300
  • Booth at Annual Conference
  • One complimentary VASFAA Conference 2025 registrations ($325 value at no additional charge. Registration must be completed without payment and names submitted to VASFAA Development Partner Chair by April 1, 2025.)
  • May present at the request of the VASFAA Conference 2025 Committee
  • Special sponsorship recognition at VASFAA Conference 2025
  • Complimentary conference attendee list delivered at least 2 weeks prior to conference
  • Email and online conference support recognition with logo
  • Logo included on VASFAA Sponsorship page
  • Opportunity to present during VASFAA webinar series for 2024-25 if approved by chair.
Non-Exhibitor Level:  $500*
  • General Support, no booth
  • Online conference support recognition

*Development Partners who choose not to exhibit may attend VASFAA Conference 2025 and will be required to pay the Non-Exhibitor Level fee of $500 plus conference registration fees.


A La Carte Options    

  • Conference Bag w/ Logo (No Longer Available) $800
  • Coffee Break Sponsorship (3 available) $500 
  • Fall Training or Conference Snack Break (Unlimited) $500
  • Entertainment Support (Unlimited) $500
  • Name Tag Neck Wallet (No Longer Available) $800

For questions regarding development partner sponsorship, please contact Janee Knippenberg at Janee.knippenberg@pnc.com.

Electronic payments are accepted.  For checks, please make a copy of your VASFAA 2024-2025 Development Partner Form and mail it along with your check payable to VASFAA:

Attn: Jesse McMillan

Reynolds Financial Aid Office

1651 E Parham Road

Richmond, VA 23228


VASFAA Refund Policy, Section 7.14.4 of VASFAA’s Policy and Procedure Manual

7.14.4 Refund Policy Refunds of vendor/sponsor fees may be considered by written request to the VASFAA Vendor/Sponsor Chair at least sixty calendar days prior to the event. Requests for a refund will be reviewed and voted upon by the President, Budget & Finance Chair and the Treasurer. Approved refunds will be made according to the original method of payment (i.e., by check for payments made by check; by credit to account for credit card payments).




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